HR Planning and Diagnostics in a few words.

HR Planning and Diagnostics in a few words.

05.03.2019, 14:07:05 25 view

HR Planning and Diagnostics in a few words.

HR Planning and Diagnostics in a few words: Get Your HR Ducks In A Row

Many of my clients have been asking for people diagnostics as part of HR planning and diagnostics.  I’ve been busy recently examining in detail the problems faced by the organizations, to identify factors that are causing the problems.  Next, I will gather the information to decide how to implement possible solutions to the identified problems. How do I carry out this HR Planning and Diagnostics process?

HR Planning and Diagnostics – The SWOT Analysis

I love this tool because it allows for a structured method to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved with people in your business. It gives me, and will give you the big picture of the most important factors that needs to get addressed.

HR Planning – ESA Governance

When hiring, you need not only search for and choose the ideal candidate, but also prevent costly penalties by handling all of the paperwork required. Who can your business hire?  What do you need to register? What Employment Standards Act laws (ESA) you must do? What must you remit? How about T4s? How do you calculate deductions? What happens when an employee quits or is let go? How does the Federal Tax Credit for Small Business work?

HR Planning – Defining Your Competitive Edge

To sharpen your competitive edge, you must hone your people skills.  Are you assertive not aggressive? Do you communicate clearly? Do you engage in team problem-solving? Are you using effective recruitment tools? Is the HR planning process and organizational alignment a priority?
This time of year is conducive for reflecting on successes and failures. It’s time to get your ducks in a row as it relates to the people side of your business.

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05.03.2019, 14:07:05
HR Planning and Diagnostics in a few words.

HR Planning and Diagnostics in a few words. How to carry out Planning and Diagnostics proccess.

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